Návod Bosch GLI 18V-2200 C Svietidlo

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10 | English
u Handle the worklight with care. The worklight produces
intense heat which increases the risk of fire and explo-
u Do not work with the worklight in potentially explos-
ive areas.
u Do not continue to press the On/Off switch after the
worklight has been automatically switched off. The
battery can be damaged. Ensure that the battery is
charged and that the worklight has cooled before switch-
ing on the worklight again.
u Use only original Bosch accessories.
u The light source cannot be replaced. If the light source
is defective, the entire cordless worklight must be re-
u Remove the batteries from the worklight before carry-
ing out any work on the worklight (e.g. assembly,
maintenance, etc.) as well as when transporting and
storing the worklight. There is risk of injury from unin-
tentionally pressing the on/off switch.
u Do not direct the light beam at persons or animals and
do not stare into the light beam yourself (even from a
u Do not use the worklight in road traffic. The worklight
is not permitted for illumination in road traffic.
Keep the minimum distance between the
cordless worklight and all illuminated sur-
faces and objects. Illuminated objects may
overheat if this distance is not maintained.
NOTE: Do not look into the light beam for pro-
longed periods. The optical radiation may harm
your eyes.
u Do not cover the lamp head while the cordless work-
light is operating. The lamp head warms up during oper-
ation and can cause burns if this heat accumulates.
u In case of damage and improper use of the battery, va-
pours may be emitted. The battery can set alight or ex-
plode. Ensure the area is well ventilated and seek medical
attention should you experience any adverse effects. The
vapours may irritate the respiratory system.
u If used incorrectly or if the battery is damaged, flam-
mable liquid may be ejected from the battery. Contact
with this liquid should be avoided. If contact accident-
ally occurs, rinse off with water. If the liquid comes
into contact with your eyes, seek additional medical
attention. Liquid ejected from the battery may cause ir-
ritation or burns.
u The battery can be damaged by pointed objects such
as nails or screwdrivers or by force applied externally.
An internal short circuit may occur, causing the battery to
burn, smoke, explode or overheat.
u When the battery is not in use, keep it away from pa-
per clips, coins, keys, nails, screws or other small
metal objects that could make a connection from one
terminal to another. A short circuit between the battery
terminals may cause burns or a fire.
u Do not open the battery. There is a risk of short-circuit-
u Only use the battery with products from the manufac-
turer. This is the only way in which you can protect the
battery against dangerous overload.
Protect the battery against heat, e.g. against
continuous intense sunlight, fire, dirt, water
and moisture. There is a risk of explosion and
u Only charge the batteries using chargers recommen-
ded by the manufacturer. A charger that is suitable for
one type of battery may pose a fire risk when used with a
different battery.
u Never swallow button cells. Swallowing button cells can
result in severe internal burns and death within two
Ensure that the button cell is kept out of the
reach of children. If you suspect that
someone has swallowed a button cell or that a
button cell has entered the body in another
way, seek medical attention immediately.
u Stop using the worklight if the battery compartment cover
no longer closes; remove the button cell and have the
worklight repaired.
u Ensure that battery replacement is carried out prop-
erly. There is a risk of explosion.
u Do not attempt to recharge the button cell and do not
short circuit the button cell. The button cell may leak,
explode, catch fire and cause personal injury.
u Remove and dispose of drained button cells correctly.
Drained button cells may leak and damage the product or
cause personal injury.
u Do not overheat the button cell or throw it into fire.
The button cell may leak, explode, catch fire and cause
personal injury.
u Do not damage the button cell and or take the button
cell apart. The button cell may leak, explode, catch fire
and cause personal injury.
u Do not allow damaged button cells to come into con-
tact with water. Leaking lithium may mix with water to
create hydrogen, which could cause a fire, an explosion,
or personal injury.
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trade-
marks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such
marks by Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH is under li-
u Ensure the cordless worklight is not operated via
Bluetooth unintentionally and/or without permission.
Assign a PIN via the Bosch application.
u The cordless worklight features a wireless interface.
Local operating restrictions, e.g. in aeroplanes or hos-
pitals, must be observed.
1 609 92A 634 | (11.11.2020) Bosch Power Tools
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Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Bosch GLI 18V-2200 C Svietidlo papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Bosch. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Bosch GLI 18V-2200 C Svietidlo v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Bosch
Model GLI 18V-2200 C
Kategória Svietidlá
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 3.84 MB

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Ďalšie príručky od Svietidlá

Často kladené otázky o Bosch GLI 18V-2200 C Svietidlo

Náš tím podpory vyhľadáva užitočné informácie o výrobkoch a odpovede na často kladené otázky. Ak nájdete v našich často kladených otázkach nejakú nezrovnalosť, dajte nám o tom vedieť pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Je všetko LED osvetlenie stmievateľné? Overená

Nie, nie všetky LED svetlá sú stmievateľné. Toto je uvedené na obale alebo na samotnom svetle.

Bolo to užitočné (493) Čítaj viac

Vložil som do lampy nové svetlo, ale nerozsvieti sa, prečo je to tak? Overená

Niektoré žiarovky sú vyrobené pre svetelné zdroje s konkrétnym príkonom. Ak je vložený svetelný zdroj, ktorý vyžaduje vyšší príkon, ako dokáže poskytnúť lampa, svetlo sa nemusí rozsvietiť. Ak žiarovka poskytuje oveľa vyšší príkon, než na aký je určený svetelný zdroj, môže sa spáliť.

Bolo to užitočné (351) Čítaj viac

Prečo je dôležitá farba svetla? Overená

Všeobecne existujú dva druhy svetla, teplé svetlo a studené svetlo. Studené svetlo vás udrží v ostrosti a bdelosti. Teplé svetlo pôsobí relaxačne. Teplo svetla sa meria v Kelvinoch a je uvedené na obale samotnej žiarovky.

Bolo to užitočné (285) Čítaj viac

Čo je to lúmen? Overená

Lumen je merná jednotka celkového množstva viditeľného svetla emitovaného zdrojom.

Bolo to užitočné (228) Čítaj viac

Aké skrutkovacie základne existujú? Overená

Na celom svete existuje veľa druhov zásuviek, ale najpoužívanejšie sú objímky založené na Edisonovej skrutke, označené písmenom E. Vo väčšine krajín sú základne skrutiek E27 a E14 štandardné. V Spojených štátoch sú štandardom E26, E17, E12 a E10.

Bolo to užitočné (172) Čítaj viac

Čo hovoria watty na moju lampu? Overená

Watt je jednotka merania spotreby elektrickej energie. Žiarovky, ktoré produkujú viac svetla, zvyčajne spotrebujú viac wattu, ale na porovnanie svetelného výkonu by ste mali vždy použiť lúmen.

Bolo to užitočné (149) Čítaj viac

Čo je to LED? Overená

LED znamená Light-Emitting Diode. Prietokom energie cez polovodič v správnom smere je emitované svetlo.

Bolo to užitočné (129) Čítaj viac
Návod Bosch GLI 18V-2200 C Svietidlo

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