Návod Bosch GOL 26 D Vodováha

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English | 9
Bosch Power Tools 1 609 92A 271 | (8.11.16)
Check the levelling and indication accuracy of the
measuring tool each time before using and after longer
transport of the measuring tool.
Protect the measuring tool against moisture and direct
sun light.
Do not subject the measuring tool to extreme tempera-
tures or variations in temperature. As an example, do
not leave it in vehicles for a long time. In case of large vari-
ations in temperature, allow the measuring tool to adjust to
the ambient temperature before putting it into operation.
In case of extreme temperatures or variations in tempera-
ture, the accuracy of the measuring tool can be impaired.
Avoid any impact to or dropping of the measuring tool.
After severe exterior effects to the measuring tool, it is rec-
ommended to carry out an accuracy check (see “Accuracy
Check of the Measuring Tool”, page 10) each time before
continuing to work.
Place the measuring tool in the provided case when
transporting it over larger distances (e.g. in the car).
Ensure that the measuring tool is correctly placed in
the transport case. When placing the measuring tool in
the case, the compensator is locked; otherwise, it could be
damaged in case of intense movement.
Setting Up/Aligning the Measuring Tool
Mounting on the Tripod
Set up the tripod stable and safe against tipping over or slip-
ping off. Place the measuring tool via the tripod mount 13 on-
to the male thread of the tripod and screw the measuring tool
tight with the locking screw of the tripod.
Roughly level the tripod.
Over short distances, the measuring tool can be carried
mounted on the tripod. To ensure that the measuring tool is
not damaged during this, the tripod must be held vertically
during transport, and should not be carried lengthwise over
the shoulder.
Aligning the Measuring Tool
Align the measuring tool with the levelling screws 12 so that
the air bubble is positioned in the centre of the circular bubble
vial 7.
Turn the first two levelling screws A and B to move the air bub-
ble so that it is centred between the two levelling screws.
Then turn the third levelling screw C until the air bubble is po-
sitioned in the centre of the circular bubble vial.
Any remaining deviation of the measuring tool to the horizon-
tal plane following the balancing of the circular bubble vial is
compensated by means of the compensator.
While working, regularly check (e.g. by viewing through the
bubble vial mirror 3) whether the air bubble is still in the cen-
tre of the circular bubble vial.
Centring the Measuring Tool over a Point on the Ground
If required, centre the measuring tool over a point on the
ground. For this, hang the plumb-bob 20 onto the locking
screw of the tripod. Align the measuring tool above the point
on the ground either by moving the measuring tool on the tri-
pod or by adjusting the tripod.
–Field of view
–Clear objective
Minimum measur-
ing distance
Stadia ratio
Stadia addition
36 mm
0.3 m
36 mm
0.3 m
36 mm
0.3 m
36 mm
0.3 m
36 mm
0.3 m
36 mm
0.3 m
Horizontal circle
1gon 1gon 1gon
Tripod mount
5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" 5/8"
Weight according
to EPTA-Procedure
1.5 kg 1.5 kg 1.5 kg 1.5 kg 1.5 kg 1.5 kg
Degree of protection
IP 54 (dust and splash water protected)
Automatic level GOL 20 D GOL 20 G GOL 26 D GOL 26 G GOL 32 D GOL 32 G
The measuring tool can be clearly identified with the serial number 15 on the type plate.
OBJ_BUCH-1239-005.book Page 9 Tuesday, November 8, 2016 2:22 PM
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Technické údaje

Značka Bosch
Model GOL 26 D
Kategória Vodováhy
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 10.43 MB

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