Návod Crivit IAN 292785 Kolieskové korčule

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6 GB
Skating tips
We recommend skating in skate parks
and taking a skating course with an
First attempts
Initial position:
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend
your knees slightly to avoid falling backwards.
As a beginner, start by taking small steps
forwards with your toes pointing outwards at an
If you take a few steps in succession you will
then have enough momentum to place your
skates next to one another and roll.
Bend your knees slightly while doing this.
How to fall
Important! Practise falling initially onto a soft
surface using protective equipment without your
inline skates. Always try to fall forwards, and
never backwards! Fall onto your protective knee
pads. Then catch yourself using the elbow and
wrist protectors. Spread your fingers in order to
avoid injury.
Mastering curves
At low speeds:
Shift your weight as in riding a bicycle.
Move your weight onto your left foot for a left
curve and onto your right foot for a right curve.
At high speeds:
Cross your feet as in ice-skating (figure B).
Braking techniques
Practise various braking techniques
on a smooth surface without traffic or
pedestrians. Avoid slopes until you are
confident about braking.
Heel brake (figure C):
If your inline skates are fitted with brakes then
remember to use them. Lift the point of the skate
where the brake is mounted and push the brake
into the ground.
Shift your weight forwards slightly and bend
your knee. The braking effect can be intensi-
fied if you bend your knee more and shift your
weight further forwards, while increasing at the
same time the pressure on the skate you are
braking with.
T-stopping (figure D):
If your inline skates are not fitted with a brake or
if you have removed the brake, then we recom-
mend using the ‘T-stop’ technique.
However this is only suitable for advanced ska-
ters! To brake using the ‘T-stop’ technique, shift
your entire weight onto one foot.
Now move the other skate behind the front skate
at a right angle. Then shift your weight from the
front to the inside of the rollers of your back
skate and brake with increasing pressure.
Putting the skates on
Preparation from unpacking to
putting the skates on
Important! Ensure that your inline
skates fit properly. The outer boot
should not deform when the quick
acting-fastener is closed. Do not use
force to close the quick-acting fastener.
1. Press the slider (1) on the fast closure (2)
inwards in the direction of the arrow and open
the fast closure (see fig. E).
2. Press the rocker closure (4) and pull the
ratchet closure (5) out of the opening on the
rocker closure (see fig. F).
3. Release the hook-and-loop power strap (6)
(fig. G).
4. Set the slider on the fast lace system closure
(7) to OPEN and loosen the fast lace system
(fig. H).
5. Pull the inline skates on using the pull strap (8)
(fig. I).
6. Pull the laces (3) out from behind the tongue
and pull them tightly upwards (fig. J). Pull
alternately on the laces to achieve this (3).
7. Lock the fast lace system closure (7) and
push down the stopper on the fast lace
system closure to CLOSE (fig. K).
8. Tie a bow with the ends of the laces and push
these back behind the tab.
Stiahnuť návod v slovenčine (PDF, 2 MB)
(Myslite ekologicky a návod si vytlačte, len ak je to naozaj potrebné)



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Technické údaje

Značka Crivit
Model IAN 292785
Kategória Kolieskové korčule
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 2 MB

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