Návod Hikoki CS 30SB Reťazová píla

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Chain case .................................................................. 1
Guide bar ..................................................................... 1
Chain ........................................................................... 1
Plug clip*...................................................................... 1
Chain Saw Oil (100 ml) .................................................1
* Not supplied in certain sales areas.
Standard accessories are subject to change without
Chain Saw Oil
Round File
Depth Gauge Jointer
Round File and Depth Gauge Jointer are to be used
for sharpening of chain blades. As to its application,
please refer to the item titled “Sharpening of the Chain
Chain Case
Always keep the chain cover on the chain while
carrying the chain saw or while storing it.
Optional accessories are subject to change without notice.
General wood cutting.
To prevent accidents, always switch the unit o , and
disconnect the plug from the receptacle.
Don’t use the saw chain or the guide bar other than
those speci ed in “SPECIFICATIONS”.
Wear gloves and be careful to avoid injury with the saw
When removing the saw chain, remove sawdust from
the oil spout, oil hole, and guide bar groove.
If sawdust accumulates, this may cause the unit to fail.
Use the correct type of saw chain in accordance with
the speci cations.
If you install the wrong type of guide bar, the saw chain
may come o and injury may occur.
1. Removing the side cover (Fig. 4)
1 Rotate the knob once to loosen it.
2 Rotate the tension dial half a turn to loosen it.
3 Turn the knob and remove the side cover.
2. Removing the saw chain and guide bar (Fig. 5)
Remove the saw chain and guide bar in the direction
indicated by the arrow.
3. Engaging the new saw chain in the sprocket
(Figs. 6, 7)
Engage the saw chain at the guide bar tip with attention
to the direction of the saw chain, and then properly
engage the saw chain with the sprocket.
4. Installing the side cover
1 Adjust the tension dial of the side cover so that the
chain tensioner boss is inserted into the guide bar
chain tensioner hole, and attach the side cover. (Fig. 8)
2 Rotate the knob once to temporarily x it. (Fig. 9)
5. Adjusting the saw chain tension (Fig. 10)
While lifting the guide bar tip, turn the tension dial to
adjust the saw chain tension.
Turn the tension dial to the right to increase the saw
chain tension, and to the left to decrease it.
6. Checking the saw chain tension (Fig. 11)
Adjust the saw chain tension so that the gap between
the saw chain drive link and the guide bar is 0.5 to 1 mm
when you lift the saw chain slightly near the center of
the guide bar.
7. Securing the knob (Fig. 12)
1 When adjustment is complete, lift up the guide bar, and
fully tighten the knob.
2 Make sure the bolt is rmly tightened.
After adjusting the saw chain tension, ensure the knob
is fully tightened.
If it is loose, injury may occur.
Prior to use, make the following inspection and preparation.
Ensure that the power source to be utilized conforms
to the power requirements speci ed on the product
To prevent accidents, always perform steps 1 to 5
ensuring the plug is disconnected from the receptacle.
Do not secure the lock-o button while it is pressed.
If the switch is accidentally engaged, the unit may
unexpectedly start and injury may occur.
1. Ensuring the switch is o
Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position. If
the plug is connected to a receptacle while the power
switch is in the ON position, the power tool will start
operating immediately, which could cause a serious
When the switch is engaged while pressing the lock-
o button, the unit switches on, and when the switch is
released, the unit switches o .
2. Checking the extension cord
When the work area is remote from the power source,
use an extension cord of su cient thickness and rated
capacity. The extension cord should be kept as short
as practicable.
3. Checking the saw chain tension
If the saw chain tension is incorrect, there is a risk of
damage to the saw chain or guide bar and malfunction.
Referring to steps 5 to 7 “Installing (replacing) saw
chain,” ensure an appropriate tension is set.
While the saw chain is still new, it is particularly
stretchy, so periodically check the tension and adjust
as required.
Also check the knob is securely tightened.
4. Checking operation of chain brake (Fig. 13)
Although the chain brake is an emergency stop device,
this is not completely reliable. Operate carefully to
avoid the risk of kickback.
The chain brake is intended for use in emergencies and
when starting up. Do not use it indiscriminately.
To avoid impaired movement of the chain brake due to
buildup of sawdust etc., clean regularly.
The chain brake is an important component to ensure
safe use.
If you have any concern regarding the brake operation,
request repair from your HiKOKI Authorized Service
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Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Hikoki CS 30SB Reťazová píla papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Hikoki. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Hikoki CS 30SB Reťazová píla v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Hikoki
Model CS 30SB
Kategória Reťazové píly
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 15.6 MB

Všetky príručky pre Hikoki Reťazové píly
Ďalšie príručky od Reťazové píly

Často kladené otázky o Hikoki CS 30SB Reťazová píla

Náš tím podpory vyhľadáva užitočné informácie o výrobkoch a odpovede na často kladené otázky. Ak nájdete v našich často kladených otázkach nejakú nezrovnalosť, dajte nám o tom vedieť pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Aké je správne napnutie reťaze na mojej motorovej píle? Overená

Pri ručnom vyťahovaní reťazí by mala byť schopná zdvihnúť sa až nad alebo pod vodiacu lištu.

Bolo to užitočné (825) Čítaj viac

Musím pri používaní motorovej píly nosiť ochranu sluchu? Overená

Áno, mal by si. Aj keď sa množstvo hluku produkovaného motorovou pílou môže u rôznych značiek a modelov líšiť, dlhodobé vystavenie hlasnému hluku môže spôsobiť trvalé poškodenie sluchu. Preto je dobré nosiť ochranu sluchu.

Bolo to užitočné (117) Čítaj viac

Musím pri používaní motorovej píly nosiť ochranu očí? Overená

Áno. Počas pílenia môžu malé častice vyletovať. Keď zasiahnu oko, môžu spôsobiť trvalé poškodenie očí. Preto je vždy potrebné nosiť ochranu očí.

Bolo to užitočné (116) Čítaj viac
Návod Hikoki CS 30SB Reťazová píla

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