Návod Lanaform LA120319 Borneo Aróma difuzér

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3 / 28 English
Please read all the
instructions before using your
product, particularly these
basic safety instructions.
The photographs and other
images of the product in this manual
and on the packaging are as accurate
as possible, but do not claim to be a
perfect reproduction of the product.
Always place the diuser on a hard, at,
horizontal surface. Keep it away from
walls and heat sources such as stoves,
radiators, etc.
Check that your mains voltage is the same
as that of your device.
Do not connect or disconnect the plug of
the appliance with wet hands.
If the power cable is damaged, it must be
replaced by a similar cable available from
the supplier or the supplier’s after-sales
Do not leave the device in the sun for long
periods of time.
Do not dismantle the device entirely.
Do not switch on the diuser when there
is no water in the reservoir.
Do not touch the transducer when the
device is on.
Do not use essential oils that are not re-
commended for diusion.
Do not use perfume or synthetic essences
as these could damage the device.
Make sure that the cable does not go
directly above the transducer.
Do not pull on the water sensor or you
may damage the device.
Unplug the device before cleaning it.
Do not wash the entire unit with water
and do not immerse it in water. Consult
the cleaning instructions in this manual.
Never scrape the transducer with a hard
tool and consult the cleaning instructions
in these instructions for use.
The Borneo should preferably be used
for 30 minutes at a time, but can be used
several times a day if you wish.
This device is not intended for use by
people, including children, with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities,
or people with a lack of experience or
knowledge, unless someone responsible
for their safety can supervise or instruct
them beforehand on how to use the de-
vice. Children should be supervised to
make sure they do not play with the device.
Additional information
about the use of essential oils
Before using essential oils, please check
the harmful eects that use of these pro-
ducts may have on your health.
Always choose quality essential oils that
are pure, 100% natural and intended for
diusion. Use them in moderation and
with care. Follow the instructions and
warnings stated on the packaging of the
essential oils, in particular noting that:
Pregnant women, people with epilepsy,
asthmatics and people who suer from
allergies, those with heart problems or se-
rious illnesses should not use essential oils.
Essential oils should be used only for
periods not exceeding 10 minutes in
the room of a baby (under 3 years old)
and only when the baby is not actually
in the room.
Make sure that children and minors do
not play with or use the device.
Just a few drops (3 to 4 drops at most) of
essential oils are sucient to ensure that
the device works properly and the scent
is diused. Excessive use of essential oils
could damage the device.
Make sure you pour water into the re-
servoir rst before adding the drops of
essential oils.
Lanaform cannot be held liable in the
event of accidental damage resulting from
any use contrary to the instructions given
in these instructions for use.
Thank you for choosing the LANAFORM Bor-
neo. The Borneo essential oil diuser com-
bines technology, well-being and design.
Virtually silent, it not only spreads a cool
mist of fragrance, but also diuses a pleasant
white light around your home.
1 Plastic cover for adjusting
the power of the mist
2 Water sensor and LED light generator
3 Water sensor and LED light
generator stand
4 Diuser
5 Transformer
6 Diuser stand
White alternating LED light
1600 ml capacity
12 hours of continuous diusion
Easy-to-ll water reservoir
With the water sensor, the device stops
automatically when there is no more water
left in the reservoir
Place the Borneo in the room half an hour
before turning it on to allow it to adjust
to room temperature.
Check that the diuser is clean.
Look at the diagrams in these instructions
for setting up the diuser. Make sure to
position the items exactly as shown on
the diagram. Put the water sensor and LED
light generator in position (Fig. 1, point 2)
on its base (Fig. 1, point 3), checking that
it is held up properly by its two feet. Fix
the base to the bottom of the reservoir
using the suction cup. Then remove the
water sensor and LED light generator
cable through the hole provided for this
purpose. Please block this hole using the
rubber bung on the cable.
Fill the reservoir with clean water up to
the level indicated between the minimum
and maximum levels. Look at the diagrams
in these instructions or the label on the
transducer stand. The temperature of the
water should not exceed 40°C.
Pour a few drops of essential oil into the
With dry hands, connect the power supply
plug. The device switches on automat-
ically. The mist and light it diuses thus
create an atmosphere that encourages
relaxation. If the water level is right but
you want a greater volume of mist to be
dispersed, slightly tilt the reservoir on the
side of the opening.
Even though there is a safety
device that stops the transducer
running, do not leave the device
connected when you are not using it.
If the water contains too much calcium and
magnesium, it may deposit a white powder
in the device. If this foam is deposited on
the transducer (metallic ring emitting ultra-
sounds), this will prevent the device from
working properly.
1 Use water that has been boiled
and cooled each time it is used;
2 Clean the reservoir every 2 days and
clean the transducer every week;
3 Change the water in the re-
servoir every 2 days;
4 Clean the device and make sure
that all its parts are completely
dry when it is not in use.
Cleaning the transducer
1 Place 2 to 5 drops of vinegar on its
surface and leave for 2 to 5 minutes.
2 Do not use soap, solvent or spray
cleaner to clean the transducer.
3 Brush the foam o the surface
using a soft brush. Do not use a
hard tool to scrape the surface.
E-IM-Borneo-001-v1.1.indd 3 11/07/2018 15:22:29
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Valerie De Pauw 03-02-2024
Sledoval som všetky kroky uvedené v pláne a prečítal som si všetko, ale difúzor nezačne fungovať automaticky, keď je zástrčka zapojená. Majú 3 a žiadna práca. Je ešte nejaká plastová fólia, ktorú treba odstrániť?

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Viac o tomto návode

Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Lanaform LA120319 Borneo Aróma difuzér papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Lanaform. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Lanaform LA120319 Borneo Aróma difuzér v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Lanaform
Model LA120319 Borneo
Kategória Aróma difuzéry
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 1.29 MB

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