Návod Maxwell MX-25521 Multimeter

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DC and AC voltage measurement
Connect the black connector to
“COM”, the red connector to the
“VΩHz” socket. Set the function
selector switch to the “V” position.
Normally, the automatic metering
range switch is active, which is
indicated by “AUTO on the display.
Press the “RANGE“ button to manually
set the measurement range and the
“SELECT“ button to select the DC
and AC modes. Connect the testers in
parallel with the power source for the
measurement time.
DC and AC current measurement
Connect the black wire to COM” and
the red wire to the “mA” or “10A
socket, max. 600 mA or for max 10A
measurements. Set the function switch
to the appropriate measuring range,
uA, mA or 10A. Normally, the automatic
metering range switch is active, which
is indicated by “AUTOon the display.
Press the “RANGE“ button to manually
set the measurement range and the
“SELECT“ button to select the DC
and AC modes. Connect the testers in
series to the circuit to be measured.
Frequency and fill factor
Connect the black connector to
“COM”, the red connector to the
“VΩHz” socket. Frequency and ll
factor measurement available for the
following functions: “V”, “uA, “mA”,
“10A, rotate the function selector
switch. Press the “SELECT“ button to
set the alternating waveform rst, then
use the “HZ/%“ button to select the
measurement. Connect the testers in
parallel with the power source for the
measurement time.
Non-contact frequency measure-
Connect the red connector to the
“VΩHz” socket. Turn the function
selector switch to the NCF mode
and then approach the front of
the instrument (NCV/NCF) to 1-2
centimeters to the wire to be
measured. The measured value can be
read from the display.
Non-contact AC voltage detection
Turn the function selector switch to
NCV mode and then approach the
front of the instrument (NCV/NCF)
to 1-2 centimeters to the wire to be
measured. In the case of detection,
the display of the instrument ashes
red and beeps intermittently. The more
often there is a sound and light signal
the better the result. The display shows
4 horizontal lines indicating the hit,
the higher the value being the more
Resistance, tear and diode, capacity
Connect the black connector
to “COM”, the red connector
Stiahnuť návod v slovenčine (PDF, 0.68 MB)
(Myslite ekologicky a návod si vytlačte, len ak je to naozaj potrebné)



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Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Maxwell MX-25521 Multimeter papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Maxwell. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Maxwell MX-25521 Multimeter v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Maxwell
Model MX-25521
Kategória Multimetre
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 0.68 MB

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Návod Maxwell MX-25521 Multimeter

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