Návod Ryobi OHT1851R Plotové nožnice

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3 English |
Wear heavy, long trousers, boots, and gloves. Do not
wear loose-fitting clothing, short trousers, or jewellery of
any kind. Do not use the product with bare feet.
Secure long hair so that it is above shoulder level to
prevent entanglement in moving parts.
The use of hearing protection reduces the ability to hear
warnings (shouts or alarms). The operator must pay
extra attention to what is going on in the working area.
Operating similar tools nearby increases both the risk
of hearing injury and the potential for other persons to
enter your working area.
Do not use the product while tired, ill, or under the
influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.
Keep firm footing and balance. Do not overreach.
Overreaching can result in loss of balance and can
result in serious injury.
Keep all parts of your body away from any moving part.
Before starting the product, make sure that the cutting
blades will not come in contact with anything.
While operating the product, always hold it firmly
with both hands by the two handles. Ensure that the
operating position is safe and secure. The manufacturer
does not recommend the use of steps or ladders. If
higher trimming is required, use an extended-reach
Blades are sharp. When handling the blade assembly,
wear non-slip, heavy-duty protective gloves. Do not
place your hand or fingers between blades or in any
position where they could get pinched or cut. Never
touch the blade or service the product unless the
battery pack is removed.
Turn off the product, remove the battery pack, and allow
both to cool down. Make sure that all moving parts have
come to a complete stop:
before adjusting the working position of the cutting
before servicing
before clearing a blockage
before checking, cleaning, or working on the
before changing accessories
before leaving the product unattended
before checking for damage after striking a foreign
before performing maintenance
whenever the product starts to vibrate abnormally
Do not force the product through heavy shrubbery. This
can cause the blades to bind and slow down. If the
blades slow down, reduce the pace.
Do not attempt to cut stems or twigs that are larger
than 22 mm thick, or obviously too large to feed into the
cutting blade. Use a non-powered hand saw or pruning
saw to trim large stems.
Do not operate the product with damaged or excessively
worn-out blades.
If the product is dropped, suffers heavy impact, or begins
to vibrate abnormally, immediately stop the product and
inspect for damage or identify the cause of the vibration.
Any damage should be properly repaired or replaced by
an authorised service centre.
To reduce the risk of re, personal injury, and product
damage due to a short circuit, never immerse your
tool, battery pack or charger in uid or allow a uid to
ow inside them. Corrosive or conductive uids, such
as seawater, certain industrial chemicals, and bleach
or bleach-containing products, etc., can cause a short
Stop the product, remove the battery pack, and allow
both to cool down before storing or transporting.
Clean all foreign material from the product. Store the
product in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated place that
is inaccessible to children. For extra safety, store the
battery pack separately from the product. Keep the
product away from corrosive agents, such as garden
chemicals and de-icing salts. Do not store the product
Cover the blade with the blade protector before storing
the product, or during transportation.
For transportation, secure the product against
movement or falling to prevent injury to persons or
damage to the product.
Transport the battery pack in accordance with local and
national provisions and regulations.
Follow all special requirements on packaging and labelling
when transporting batteries by a third party. Ensure that
no batteries can come in contact with other batteries
or conductive materials while in transport by protecting
exposed connectors with insulating, non-conductive caps
or tape. Do not transport batteries that are cracked or
leaking. Check with the forwarding company for further
Use only original manufacturer’s replacement parts,
accessories, and attachments. Failure to do so can cause
possible injury, can contribute to poor performance, and
may void your warranty.
Stiahnuť návod v slovenčine (PDF, 4.54 MB)
(Myslite ekologicky a návod si vytlačte, len ak je to naozaj potrebné)



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Viac o tomto návode

Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Ryobi OHT1851R Plotové nožnice papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Ryobi. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Ryobi OHT1851R Plotové nožnice v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Ryobi
Model OHT1851R
Kategória Plotové nožnice
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 4.54 MB

Všetky príručky pre Ryobi Plotové nožnice
Ďalšie príručky od Plotové nožnice

Často kladené otázky o Ryobi OHT1851R Plotové nožnice

Náš tím podpory vyhľadáva užitočné informácie o výrobkoch a odpovede na často kladené otázky. Ak nájdete v našich často kladených otázkach nejakú nezrovnalosť, dajte nám o tom vedieť pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Ako zistím, že je môj strihač živých plotov tupý? Overená

Keď sa namiesto strihania ťahajú konáre, plotostrih je tupý a treba ho nabrúsiť.

Bolo to užitočné (282) Čítaj viac

Ako nabrúsim čepele nožníc na živý plot? Overená

Naostrenie nožov nožníc na živý plot je dôležité pre zachovanie výkonu a účinnosti nástroja. Na brúsenie čepelí budete potrebovať pilník alebo brúsny kameň špeciálne navrhnutý pre typ čepele vašej nožnice na živý plot.

Bolo to užitočné (187) Čítaj viac

Ako mám namazať čepele nožníc na živý plot? Overená

Mazanie čepelí nožníc na živý plot pomôže znížiť trenie a opotrebovanie, čím sa predĺži životnosť nástroja. Použite vysokokvalitný mazací olej špeciálne navrhnutý pre nožnice na živé ploty a po každom použití naneste malé množstvo na čepele.

Bolo to užitočné (85) Čítaj viac

Ako môžem zabrániť tvorbe hrdze na mojich nožoch na živé ploty? Overená

Hrdza môže spôsobiť poškodenie čepelí nožníc na živé ploty, čím sa zníži ich výkon a životnosť. Aby ste predišli hrdzi, čepele po každom použití dôkladne očistite a vysušte a uložte ich na suchom a čistom mieste. Môžete tiež zvážiť nanesenie ochranného náteru, ako je olej alebo inhibítor hrdze, na čepele pred ich uskladnením.

Bolo to užitočné (50) Čítaj viac
Návod Ryobi OHT1851R Plotové nožnice

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