Návod Sandstrøm SPSBTW12E Reproduktor

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Safety Warnings
• Unplug the unit from the mains socket during a
lightning storm.
• In the interests of safety and to avoid
unnecessary energy consumption, never leave
the unit switched on while unattended for
long periods of time, e.g. overnight, while on
holiday or while out of the house. Switch it
o and disconnect the mains plug from the
mains socket.
• Do not place the unit on or near appliances
which may cause electromagnetic interference.
If you do, it may adversely aect the working of
the unit, and cause a distorted sound.
• Children should be supervised to ensure that
they do not play with the unit.
• Never let anyone especially children push
anything into the holes, slots or any other
openings in the case - this could result in a fatal
electric shock.
The lightning ash with arrowhead
symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is
intended to alert the user to the presence
of uninsulated “dangerous voltage
within the unit’s enclosure that may be of
sucient magnitude to constitute a risk
of electric shock.
The exclamation point within an
equilateral triangle is intended to alert
the user to the presence of important
operating and maintenance (servicing)
instructions in the manual accompanying
the unit.
• To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
remove screws. The unit does not contain
any user-serviceable parts. Please leave all
maintenance work to qualied personnel.
• Do not open any xed covers as this may expose
dangerous voltages.
• Ensure to unplug the unit from the power
supply before cleaning.
• Do not use any type of abrasive pad or abrasive
cleaning solutions as these may damage the
unit’s surface.
• Do not use liquids to clean the unit.
• Read all the instructions carefully before using
the unit and keep them for future reference.
• Retain the manual. If you pass the unit onto a
third party make sure to include this manual.
• Check that the voltage marked on the rating
label matches your mains voltage.
• Please inspect the unit for damage after
• Do not continue to operate the unit if you are in
any doubt about it working normally, or if it is
damaged in any way - switch o, withdraw the
mains adapter and consult your dealer.
Location of Unit
• The unit must be placed on a at stable surface
and not subjected to vibrations.
• Do not place the unit on sloped or unstable
surfaces as the unit may fall o or tip over.
• The mains socket must be located near the unit
and should be easily accessible.
• This unit is designed for indoor use only.
• Avoid extreme degrees of temperature, either
hot or cold. Place the unit well away from heat
sources such as radiators or gas / electric res.
• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and other
sources of heat.
Naked Flames
• Never place any type of candle or naked ame
on the top of or near the unit.
• To reduce the risk of re, electric shock or
product damage, do not expose this unit
to rain, moisture, dripping or splashing. No
objects lled with liquids, such as vases, should
be placed on the unit.
• If you spill any liquid into the unit, it can cause
serious damage. Switch it o at the mains
immediately. Withdraw the mains plug and
consult your dealer.
• To prevent the risk of electric shock or re
hazard due to overheating, ensure that curtains
and other materials do not obstruct the
ventilation vents.
• A minimum distance of 5cm around the unit
should be maintained to allow for sucient
• Do not install or place this unit in a bookcase,
built-in cabinet or in another conned space.
Ensure the unit is well ventilated.
• Always disconnect the unit from the mains
supply before connecting / disconnecting other
devices or moving the unit.
SPSBT12E_IB_7L_RC_130513_Michelle.indb 4 13/5/13 4:42 PM
Stiahnuť návod v slovenčine (PDF, 6.31 MB)
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Technické údaje

Značka Sandstrom
Kategória Reproduktory
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 6.31 MB

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Často kladené otázky o Sandstrøm SPSBTW12E Reproduktor

Náš tím podpory vyhľadáva užitočné informácie o výrobkoch a odpovede na často kladené otázky. Ak nájdete v našich často kladených otázkach nejakú nezrovnalosť, dajte nám o tom vedieť pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Chcem k televízoru pripojiť reproduktor pomocou HDMI, ktorý port by som mal použiť? Overená

Musíte použiť port HDMI-ARC, ktorý je špeciálne vyrobený na pripojenie zvukového zariadenia.

Bolo to užitočné (1383) Čítaj viac

Čo hovoria frekvencie o mojom reproduktore? Overená

Udáva rozsah frekvencií, ktoré môže reproduktor produkovať. Väčší rozsah frekvencií poskytne väčšie variácie zvuku a produkuje zvuk vyššej kvality.

Bolo to užitočné (750) Čítaj viac

Kedy je moja hudba príliš hlasná? Overená

Zvuky nad 80 decibelov (dB) môžu začať poškodzovať sluch. Zvuky nad 120 dB okamžite poškodia sluch. Závažnosť poškodenia závisí od toho, ako často a ako dlho je zvuk prítomný.

Bolo to užitočné (438) Čítaj viac

Funguje bluetooth cez steny a stropy? Overená

Signál Bluetooth bude fungovať cez steny a strop, pokiaľ nie sú vyrobené z kovu. V závislosti od hrúbky a materiálu steny môže signál stratiť na sile.

Bolo to užitočné (202) Čítaj viac

Do akej úrovne hluku je to bezpečné pre deti? Overená

Deťom sa poškodí sluch rýchlejšie ako dospelým. Preto je dôležité nikdy nevystavovať deti hluku vyššiemu ako 85 dB. V prípade slúchadiel existujú špeciálne modely pre deti. V prípade reproduktorov alebo iných situácií, ktoré musíte dávať pozor, hluk nepresahuje túto úroveň.

Bolo to užitočné (187) Čítaj viac
Návod Sandstrøm SPSBTW12E Reproduktor

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