Návod Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot

Potrebujete príručku pre svoj Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot? Nižšie si môžete bezplatne prezrieť a stiahnuť príručku vo formáte PDF v slovenskom jazyku. Tento produkt má momentálne 1 často kladenú otázku, 0 komentárov a má 0 hlasov. Ak toto nie je manuál, ktorý chcete, kontaktujte nás.

Je váš výrobok pokazený a nepodarilo sa vám problém odstrániť pomocou pokynov v návode? Prejdite na portál Repair Café, kde nájdete bezplatné servisné služby.



Safety instructionsSafety instructions
Should however the appliance fall into water, only take it out after pulling the plug. Do not
use the appliance anymore. It has to be checked by an authorized service department first.
Do not use this appliance near the water (bath-tubs, washbasins, etc.) nor expose it to rain
or other humidity. Ensure hands are dry when using appliance!
Only trained experts should repair electrical appliances. Unskilled repairs can cause consid-
erable danger to the user.
Mains connection: The voltage must comply with that shown on the appliance label.
Always switch off the device and plug out the power cable whenever you leave it unattended,
before assembling / disassembling, cleaning, when it fails to work properly, after use. The plug
must be within reach at all times.
Regulary check if the power cable / appliance / extension lead is defective. Never switch on
damaged appliances (incl. mains lead) – have repairs carried out / obtain replacement
from the manufacturer, the manufacturer’s service point or from qualified experts. Never
open the appliance yourself – risk of injury!
Never carry or pull the appliance by the flex. Don’t pull the flex over sharp edges. Don’t
wedge it. Don’t bend it. A short circuit can occur if the cable breaks.
Switch the appliance off and pull the plug out of the mains when it is not in use. Don’t
wind the flex around the appliance. Never pull on the mains cable / with damp hands.
Never immerse appliance in water / other fluids. Danger of short-circuiting!
No warranty for any damage can be accepted if the appliance is used for improper purpose,
wrongly operated or unprofessionally repaired. In such a case, any warranty claim is void.
The appliance is not intended to be operated or connected to an external timer or separate
remote control switch.
Never place fingers or objects into appliance openings. Do not cover appliance opening.
Never touch rotating parts / rotary blade. Knife is sharp – risk of injury! Proceed with utmost
care even when appliance is switched off or when cleaning. Only touch on the holder!
Beware of moving parts – risk of injury!
Do not allow ambient temperature to drop below freezing.
Never operate the appliance empty, do not overfill and never move appliance when filled.
Do not allow liquid to get into the interior of the motor housing.
Do not mix / stir any colours / chemicals with the appliance – explosion hazard.
Do not fill any boiling liquids / ingredients into the mixing recipient.
Use the appliance on a dry, even, stable and heat resistant surface. Allow appliance to cool
before storing away.
The appliance is designed for household use and not for industrial operation. Do not operate
the appliance outdoors.
Never place the appliance / cable on hot surfaces or near open flames. Do not store / expose
the appliance to intense heat (from radiators, prolonged sunshine). Only extinguish burning
appliances using a fire blanket.
Do not use attachments not recommended / sold by the manufacturer.
Keep packaging (e.g. plastic bags) away from children.
People with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities, and insufficient knowledge and
experience should only be allowed to use, clean or maintain the appliance if supervised by
someone responsible for their safety or if they have already been shown how to use the
appliance safely and have understood the risks involved.
This appliance shall not be used by children. Children should not be allowed to play with
the appliance. Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of children.
Never leave the appliance unattended while in operation.
Make worn out appliances unusable. Pull out the mains plug and sever the cord. Electric
appliances are to be returned to a shop of sale or handed over to an official dump. No
household waste. Must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Stiahnuť návod v slovenčine (PDF, 4.96 MB)
(Myslite ekologicky a návod si vytlačte, len ak je to naozaj potrebné)



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Tu sa môžete podeliť o to, čo si myslíte o Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot. Ak máte otázku, najprv si pozorne prečítajte návod. Vyžiadanie manuálu je možné vykonať pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Viac o tomto návode

Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Trisa. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Trisa
Model Stir n Slice
Kategória Kuchynské roboty
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 4.96 MB

Všetky príručky pre Trisa Kuchynské roboty
Ďalšie príručky od Kuchynské roboty

Často kladené otázky o Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot

Náš tím podpory vyhľadáva užitočné informácie o výrobkoch a odpovede na často kladené otázky. Ak nájdete v našich často kladených otázkach nejakú nezrovnalosť, dajte nám o tom vedieť pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Aký je rozdiel medzi kuchynským robotom a mixérom? Overená

Kuchynské roboty dokážu zvyčajne spracovať jedlo na kocky, plátky a iné tvary. Mixéry sú vhodné najmä na mletie a mixovanie potravín.

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Návod Trisa Stir n Slice Kuchynský robot

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