Návod Ferplast Dubai 120 Black Akvárium

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5 Furnish the aquarium according to your taste (your local aquarium shop will be able to help and advise you).
6 Set the required heater temperature (where fitted) according to the type of fish and plants used (e.g. for freshwater
tropical fish the average temperature is about 25-26oC).
7 Put the BLUSTART (bacterial activator) in the first BLUWAVE filter compartment: 1 capsule for BLUWAVE 5
(DUBAI 80-100-30 CORNER) and 2 capsules for BLUWAVE 07 (DUBAI 120).
8 Set the required lighting period with the timer and only now should you connect the plug to the electric power
supply and check all the equipment is working correctly. In case of problems, contact your retailer.
9 We recommend lighting the aquarium for about 8 hours a day: If there are signs of excessive algae development,
reduce the lighting to 7 hours; if the plants have difficulty growing, increase to 9-10 hours.
10 If live plants are being used, we recommend laying about 1 cm of fertilized gravel on the bottom of the tank and
2 cm of gravel. Fill the aquarium by pouring water onto a flat dish placed on the bottom to prevent the material
used to create the base from being moved about. In general, it is advisable to mix tap water with about 50%
demineralised water for aquariums; however, this percentage may vary according to the chemical contents of
your tap water.
11 To care for and protect your fish, it is strongly advised to wait until the filter has matured: the first fish should
only be introduced 10-12 days after the addition of BLUSTART filter activator capsules. Before doing so, it is
in any case advisable to check the readings and chemical levels of the water using the special MULTISTICK TESTER
by Ferplast. Your local retailer will be able to advise you on the ideal water temperature, hardness etc., according to
the type of fish and plants you have decided to keep in your DUBAI aquarium. It is advisable to repeat these tests
12 During the filter maturing period, add a small quantity of dry food each day: this will help the formation of bacterial
13 When adding the fish, insert the remaining BLUSTART filter activator capsules in the first filter compartment.
14 We recommend not putting too many fish into the aquarium all at once, but building up to the maximum
population gradually.
15 Your retailer will be able to advise you on the choice of fish to keep in your DUBAI aquarium, the quantity and type
of food to use and the feeding frequency.
The main maintenance procedures we recommend, in addition to the
daily provision of food and regular checking of the temperature and
chemical levels, are:
A Siphoning the bottom when required using the special aquarium
gravel cleaner BLU 9025/9027 on sale at your local retailer.
B Adding demineralised water to replace that which is lost by
evaporation. Remember that the internal filter must always be
C Replacing 5-10% of the water with demineralised water at least
D Replacing the fluorescent tube at least every year to retain an
optimum light spectrum.
To replace a tube (11):
remove the hatches and slide the overtank lamp until you can
access to the tubes;
remove the plug from the electric power socket;
unscrew the two watertight ring nuts on the light fitting (11 a/b);
remove the tube by rotating it a quarter turn until the pins are both
lined up with the slit in the lamp holder (11 c);
insert the new tube in the same way, rotating it a quarter turn (you’ll
hear a small click);
carefully tighten the ring nuts.
E Cleaning the inside of the aquarium using floating magnetic brushes
BLU 9031/9036/9038/9039 designed by Ferplast.
DUBAI aquarium maintenance
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1 hlas

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Viac o tomto návode

Chápeme, že je pekné mať k svojmu Ferplast Dubai 120 Black Akvárium papierovú príručku. Návod si môžete kedykoľvek stiahnuť z našej webovej stránky a vytlačiť si ho sami. Ak chcete mať originálnu príručku, odporúčame vám kontaktovať Ferplast. Mohli by byť schopní poskytnúť originálny návod. Hľadáte príručku k svojmu Ferplast Dubai 120 Black Akvárium v inom jazyku? Vyberte si preferovaný jazyk na našej domovskej stránke a vyhľadajte číslo modelu, aby ste zistili, či ho máme k dispozícii.

Technické údaje

Značka Ferplast
Model Dubai 120 Black
Kategória Akváriá
Typ súboru PDF
Veľkosť súboru 0.85 MB

Všetky príručky pre Ferplast Akváriá
Ďalšie príručky od Akváriá

Často kladené otázky o Ferplast Dubai 120 Black Akvárium

Náš tím podpory vyhľadáva užitočné informácie o výrobkoch a odpovede na často kladené otázky. Ak nájdete v našich často kladených otázkach nejakú nezrovnalosť, dajte nám o tom vedieť pomocou nášho kontaktného formulára.

Koľko rýb môžem dať do svojho akvária? Overená

Môže sa použiť nasledujúce pravidlo: Na liter vody môžete pridať jeden centimeter sladkovodných rýb alebo pol centimetra slaných rýb. Pamätajte, že to závisí aj od kapacity filtra a počtu dekoratívnych prvkov v akváriu.

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Ako často by som mal čistiť akvárium? Overená

K dispozícii je špeciálne zariadenie na meranie rôznych minerálnych hodnôt vo vode a na zisťovanie, či je potrebné čistenie. Ak toto vybavenie nie je k dispozícii, je najlepšie akvárium čistiť aspoň raz týždenne.

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Návod Ferplast Dubai 120 Black Akvárium

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